Trying Spa at Amethyst Clinic

Click for bigger picture So above is the advertisement that made me being one of the 259 people who bought the voucher. I bought the 3 times spa voucher because it's such a bargain, right? I also find that the reservation, which can be done through SMS, is very cnnvenient. They help me find a suitable time that match my 3-hour free time, which can be very difficult to find. So, let's see what they offer: a 3-hour complete spa massage body scrub body mask hair wash Now, what about my experience there? Was I satisfied and did I feel relaxed and pampered? Well, I have mixed feeling about this spa experience. For your information, I am not a spa avid. My experience of body treatment was only in a few traditional body treatment place or at times I have a beautician come to my house to give me body treatments. The Clinic Sadly, I did not have my camera with me, so let me just describe the clinic. Amethyst was a very clean doctor-feel clinic. It looked and smelled...