
Showing posts from March, 2014

Using Up My Luck

Can we use up our luck, I wonder? (Before we go on, however, we have to believe first that there exists such thing called luck, which I find very handy in overcoming envy). The thing is that sometimes we really, really want and need luck in a dire situation, and we do not get that much-needed luck. At another time, however, we can get very lucky when the situation does not call for such pot of gold by the end of the rainbow. Yesterday I had myself checked at an obgyn to see if there is something wrong with my fertility. Because last year's check showed small infertile eggs and a chocolate cyst, I prayed for luck. Before I got to know the result, an email popped on my yahoo mail (yes, I'm still using yahoo mail, and I promise I'll migrate everything to gmail soon). The email told me that I was the lucky winner of an Internet contest. I was very lucky, indeed. The contest only asked the participants to click on some celebrities. So there I was, the sole winner of clicking the

Melaporkan Diri Setiap Tahun

Warga negara yang baik membayar pajak. Dan sebagai warga negara Indonesia yang baik, bukankah setiap bulan Maret (akhir Maret, tepatnya) kita semua heboh mengisi SPT (Surat Pemberitahuan) tahun sebelumnya? Di akhir maret tahun ini saya mencoba mengumpulkan SPT saya secara online. Ini adalah fasilitas terbaru dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Indonesia. Sweet, right? Tidak perlu repot-repot lagi mengantarkan SPT ke kantor pajak. Dan penghitungannya otomatis asal kita tahu di mana memasukkan angka-angkanya. Untuk menjadi e-filer, istilah keren Wajib Pajak (ini kita) yang melaporkan SPT melalui e-filing, kita harus mendapatkan e-FIN (electronic Filing Identification Number) terlebih dahulu. Nah, e-FIN ini gunanya hanya untuk pertama kali registrasi. Cara registrasi: Masuk ke i Isi kolom-kolom  yang diminta: NPWP, EFIN, nomor telepon, alamat email, password Cek email untuk link aktivasi Lalu kita masuk kembali ke laman web efiling yaitu  http