Let's Continue Serving Alcohol!

Dato Sri Idris Jala, currently a minister in Malaysian government, shared this story in Eagles Leadership Conference. It was such a privilege to attend that conference, btw, considering that I am no leader. Anyway, Dato Sri Idris Jala was elected the CEO of Malaysian Airlines at that time. In the introduction of the new CEO, one of his staff asked this difficult question. Please keep in mind that almost all the crews of Malaysian Airlines are Moslem, while Dato Sri Idris Jala is not. So they kinda wanted to test him.
Staff: Almost all of us are Moslems. Malaysia is an Islam country. Why do we serve alcohol in our flight? I do not want a political answer. I do not want a business answer. I want a religious answer. 
Idris Jala: Before answering your question, I have two questions for you. First: Is God all-powerful? 
Staff: Yes, he is. He is all-powerful. 
Idris Jala: Second: Is God holy? Does he hate sins? 
Staff: Yes, he is holy. He hates sins. 
Idris Jala: So why do you think an all-powerful and holy God let alcohol exist in this world? Because His nature is also justice. He lets people choose between to sin and not to sin. That is also what we do. As the people of God, He is our example. 
Later that day, the staff that asked the question looked for Dato Sri Idris Jala to say: "Dato, that is a very good answer. Let's continue serving alcohol!"
Dato Sri Idris Jala, Dr Chatree Duangnet, Dr John Ng, and Dr Gabriel Cámara answering questions from delegates in Leadership Dialogue 1: Transforming People And Organization

I am, too, impressed by Dato Sri Idris Jala's answer. I can see that he has a holistic approach in living in this world. For him, there is no dichotomy of the sacred and the world. There are still lots of great insights from him, and from other great speakers in the conference. That's why you have to consider going into Eagles Leadership Conference 2015. :)

--Fanni Leets--
#day 2 of 36 random writing challenge


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